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Personal Profile

I’m a final year Web Technologies undergraduate able to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS, PHP, GIT, and GitHub to create functional responsive ecommerce websites.

Good practical skills in technical support and networking; experience that was gained from volunteering for an IT help group for the elderly.

I worked a placement job at King Edwards VI School as their Web Content Developer.

Technical Skills

  • Able to create web pages using HTML then use CSS and JavaScript to make the page dynamic. I have experience using jQuery also as a substitute to JavaScript.
  • Use PHP to link a client side web page with a server side MYSQL database.
  • Can assemble and disassemble a computer, and I have an understanding of the inner workings of a computer.
  • Able create a small WAN and a LAN using various pieces of hardware and technologies.
  • Able to edit and update content on a range of school websites using Firefly CMS.
  • Competent with using; Impero Console (Networked PC monitoring system).
  • Experianced technical knowledge and can provide general ICT support.
  • Can effectively use GIT alongside GitHub to manage project development.
  • Use Google Cloud Platform and Linux to deploy a cloud application.


location: Portsmouth University

Qualification Type: BSc (Hons) Web Technologies, from 2014 - 2018

    My first year average was a 2.1.

    My first year units included:

  • Web Foundations
  • Network Technologies
  • Introduction to Programming
  • Database Fundamentals
  • Computer Architecture

    My second year average was a 2.2.

    My second year units included:

  • Advanced Programming Concepts
  • Database Principles
  • Getting Usability Into Development Environments
  • Introduction To Software Engineering
  • Web Foundations 2
  • Web-script Programming

    My final year units included:

  • Web Research
  • Cloud Computing and Open Source Software
  • Reliable and Secure Systems
  • Applied Computer Graphics and Vision
  • For my final year project I created a website called ImagineMemory which is a memory game website for users who have dementia.
  • You can view the running website here:WEBSITE

    The GitHub Page here:GITHUB